Selasa, 29 Januari 2019

Android Is Starting Optimizing App Stuck Moto E

Hey guys, my phone is stuck in "android is upgrading. optimizing application 1 of 1" and all i can do is 1. apply sdcard/ 2. reboot system now ( does not work coz it brings me back to optimizing apps ) 3. apply update from external storage 4. wipe data / factory reset 5. wipe cache partition 6. apply update from cache. 24 weather apps (one to show weather for each hour in a day), 365 calendar apps (one for each day of the year), 47 email apps, 29 sms apps, 9 web browsers, 3 facebook apps, 6 camera apps, 24 news apps (one for each hour), 40 bejeweled clones = 547. And when it reboots, it gets stuck in a loop and i have to use the custom recovery to make it reboot normally. once it reboots, it has to optimize all the apps, and it's a realy pain cause it takes a long time and i might miss calls because of that. it will start optimizing the apps all over again. observations: it seems like it.

Then, i rebooted my phone to investigate a bluetooth problem with my car radio. upon rebooting, the phone went through the "android is starting... optimizing app ## of ###" routine. it optimized 120 apps and took 40 minutes before i could use the phone again. later in the evening, it rebooted randomly. another 40 minutes of optimizing.. Home forums channels android devices motorola moto e (2nd gen) root stuck on android is starting up discussion in ' android devices ' started by kahroo , mar 18, 2016 .. The mobile says “optimizing app 1 of 67", "optimizing 2 of 67"…… "optimizing 67 of 67". then the mobile restarts and the system still shows that “optimizing.

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